Buy ON (Optimum Nutrition) Whey Gold Standard 100%
As we all know protein plays an important role in optimizing how fast we can repair and recovery of the muscle. Therefore, it is essential to understand what type of protein we should take in order to maximise these results. Sports Nutrition Express says consuming protein after exercise can help you build lean muscle because of the Whey Protein Gold Standard 100 are most popular post-workout choices. Why Take Protein- It is recommended to consume a daily protein intake of between 1.4-2.3g per kg body weight depending on the training goals. An individual whose goal is to increase lean muscle mass should consume protein more towards the upper end of the scale as they need more to repair and facilitate the growth of new muscle. Whey Protein- The process of making whey protein begins on the farm with cow’s milk. Milk contains 3% protein, 20% is whey protein and 80% is casein. The two sources of protein which differ in structure and composition can be isolated from mi...